Satellite AIS Tracking
Falcon Mega Solutions provides the most robust satellite AIS Vessel tracking service, while enabling valuable features.
Increase the visibility of your asset by integrating the SAT-AIS with Falcon Mega Track (Vessel Tracking System). Falcon Mega Solutions offers Satellite-Based AIS Tracking Services that enable companies to track and monitor the Vessels and boats. Ship’s existing AIS (Class-A) shall be used to access the valuable features.

- No additional hardware is required; quick integration to Falcon Mega Track;
- Secure Access credentials to the Log-In Vessel Tracking Platform;
- Graphical Position reports of a Vessel and Fleet overview on a single map;
- Global satellite-based AIS to manage your fleet near-shore and on the high seas;
- Live Weather Map for passage planning and weather routing;
- 24/7 customer support;
- Fleet Location Report & Voyage Reports online, Exportable to Excel;
- Track history for voyage analysis (2 Years);