Falcon Mega Track
[Vessel Tracking Platform]
Falcon Mega Track – Vessel Tracking Platform
FMT Control Panel – The Remote Control of your Fleet
Falcon Mega Track ™ abbreviated FMT, is a user-friendly and feature-rich web application called FMT Control Panel, to provide full control over FMT Terminals installed onboard vessels.
FMT Control Panel is designed user-friendly and continuously improved to make it further user-friendly and to provide more data for easy visualization.
FMT Control Panel is accessed through secure website www.falconmegatrack.com
Key Benefits
FMT Control Panel is User Friendly
- User Friendly Interface;
- Secure (HTTPS) web servers;
- Position Reporting – Time Based;
- Position Reporting – Distance Based (Track by Distance);
- Usage report for usage analysis;
- Position report notification via email and SMS;
- Prepaid (FMT-Unit) Billing System;
- Poll for instant position reports;
- Geo-Fencing alerts and notifications;
- Track history for voyage analysis (2 Years);
- Tools for voyage/route planning
Reporting Features
We are trend setters of Vessel Reporting
Track of 5 positions on Maps
Astronomical calculations
Weather Forecast at Vessel’s Location
Proximity Names
Speed, Average Speed
Distance Moved from Last Position
Distance & Bearing of 5 Nearest Ports
Distance and Bearing from 5 nearest Ports
Low Prepaid Balance Warnings
Prepaid Billing
Prepaid Billing System Makes the Difference!
- IDP Pay As You Go Plan
The plan is economical for low budget customers whose basic need is to get 3 or less APR/day, with no extra features. - IDP 300 Units Monthly Allowance Plan
The plan is economical for the customers whose want to use advanced tracking features in addition to 4 or more APR/Day. - Sat-C Pay As You Go Plan (Furuno, Sailor, JRC etc.)
The plan is economical for the customers whose basic need is to get 4 or less APR/day, using their existing Sat-C Hardware onboard.
FMT Control Panel Controls the V-Mail running onboard
V-Mail with FMT Terminals
- V-Mail Service Enable / Disable
- Shore To Vessel Enable / Disable
- SPAM Filtering
- Character Max Limit to and fro Vessel
V-Mail with Inmarsat FleetBroadBand, Iridium, Thuraya, Terminals & Internet Connections
- SPAM Filtering
- Up to 80% Email Compression on V-Mail Client and Server
- Up to 80% Compression of file before making attachments to the email
- Email Body Size Limit Setting
- Attachment Size Limit Setting
- Attachment Allow & Disallow Control
- Shore to Ship Email Control
- Authorized and Blocked Senders List
- Option of Fetching email Headers only, to perform various actions e.g. Download, Delete, Hold on Server etc.
Inmarsat-C and SSAS Terminals
Inmarsat-C SSAS, stand-alone or built-in Inmarsat-C Terminals can be integrated with Falcon Mega Track TM with basic and necessary Tracking features;
- Furuno SSAS – Felcom 12, Felcom 15, Felcom 16, Felcom 18 and higher models
- JRC SSAS – JUE-75C, JUE-85C; JUE-95C, JUE-95SA
- Cobham – SAILOR 6120 mini-C SSAS
- Tracking
- Ship Security Alert System
AIS Transceivers
Increase the visibility of your asset by integrating the SAT-AIS with Falcon Mega Track (Vessel Tracking System). Falcon Mega Solutions offers Satellite-Based AIS Tracking Services that enable companies to track and monitor Vessels and boats. Ship’s existing AIS (Class-A) shall be used to access the valuable features.
- A100, A200 AIS
- FA-170 Furuno AIS, JHS-183 JRC AIS
- CLA2000 Class-A-AIS, SAILOR 6280 6281 AIS
- Tracking
Inmarsat FleetBroadband Terminals
Third Party Inmarsat’s flagship maritime service provides dependable, seamless voice and broadband data coverage across the world’s oceans.
- V-Mail
300+ Customers
Active on Falcon Mega Track